Сегодня понедельник, а значит в блоге
SimonSaysMonday новое задание -
About a Face.
Я опять сделала ATC.

Использовала штамп от North Stamps, пигментные чернила. Очки у бабушки разукрасила и покрыла
глосси акцентом. Фрагмент руки с кружкой вырезала и посадила на объемный скотч, создавая 3D эффект.
Забавная старушка! :) Так креативно! :)
ОтветитьУдалитьGreat piece of art, wonderful colours and a fabulous focal image. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Tracy x
ОтветитьУдалитьSo creative! I love the colors and mix of images. Fabulous project! Thank you for sharing with us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. ~Michelle
ОтветитьУдалитьThis piece is so clever! I love how you colored in the glasses and eyes and left the rest of the face black and white. It really gives it a unique look that I've never seen before. I also like the pops of color you added with her teacup and through the background. You've included some great patterns and your details are amazing (like the bits of lace on her dress). I also like the sentiment, which made me smile. My husband lived in Texas for awhile and says "y'all" quite often, so I appreciated seeing it here! Thanks so much for sharing this extraordinary piece with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!
ОтветитьУдалитьbeautiful!!! Thanks so much for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! - Ashli :)